Hartland is a unique and vibrant place filled with the energy of inquisitive minds and with a strong and experienced staff and leadership team. We understand that an outstanding education is not merely characterised by achieving good grades. It is defined by a combination of top-quality academic provision and an expansive enrichment programme designed to provide multiple pathways to success within a safe and warm environment.
" The Principal, other Senior Leaders and most Middle Leaders form a very strong Leadership Team. They communicate very well the vision of providing a high-quality, inclusive education which embraces the UAE’s national priorities. They have a very good knowledge of best educational practices and promote innovation well. Leadership is shared well, and Senior and most Middle Leaders have the capacity to continue to improve the school. "
" Teachers develop students’ understanding and critical thinking skills through well-designed activities and skilful questioning. "
" The impact of Teachers and Leaders on continuously improving students’ positive outcomes. "
" In all phases, almost all teachers make sure that work is matched to students’ learning needs. In nearly all subjects, they plan challenging activities, including problem-solving and critical thinking, that engage students’ interest. "
" In the best lessons, teachers’ questioning is searching. They encourage collaboration, problem-solving and opportunities for students to produce their own ideas and explanations. This prompts students to evaluate and question what they learn. "
" The very strong progress made by students in each phase in English, mathematics and science and the very high levels they achieve in English, mathematics, science and social studies. "
" The rich and stimulating curriculum in each phase and its adaptation to meet the needs of all students. "
" Attainment and progress are now very strong across the school in English, mathematics and science. "
" In all phases, students engage in the learning process in a sustained and enthusiastic manner. Students demonstrate positive attitudes to learning. They are focused, engaged and responsible learners. "
" Students’ attitudes to work are mature. They are conscientious, and the oldest students have a serious approach to thinking about what they want to do in the future. "
" The mainstream curriculum and extra-curricular activities promote cross-curricular links and cater very well for students’ ambitions, interests and talents. "
" The extensive range of extra-curricular activities for students, parents and staff promotes healthy lifestyles, inclusivity and wellbeing for all members of the school community. "
" The school has a commendable inclusion policy and takes good account of the UAE’s national priorities. It is led very well by the principal and an exceptionally strong team of senior and middle leaders. By reflecting on their practice and drawing on their expertise, leaders and teachers have improved the school since the last inspection. Parents are fully involved with the school, which is accommodated in a spacious and very well-resourced building. "
" Adaptations of the curriculum are carefully planned and often linked to the diversity of the international profile of the school. A very wide range of foreign languages is offered to extend students’ home language. Teachers adjust the curriculum well to suit students’ academic and personal development needs, including those of students of determination. "
" Students’ behaviour and attitudes are very positive across the school. Students are responsible and self-reliant and have friendly, caring and respectful relationships with their peers and teachers. They are proud of their own cultures and display a sound knowledge of UAE culture. "
" Students have exceptional attitudes and behaviour across all phases. "
" Parental engagement is at the heart of the school community. Parents are fully involved as partners in their children’s learning and are influential in defining priorities for the school. Parents value the extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities offered to families and the school’s commitment to inclusive practice. Parents believe that the leadership of the school is very effective, and they appreciate the school’s communication and reporting systems. "
" Students show considerable loyalty and affection for their school. They feel safe and well cared for. Students of determination are identified promptly and receive a wide range of very effective support. "
" Across all phases, students have excellent responsible attitudes and are self-reliant. They are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others. They have friendly, caring and respectful relationships with their peers, teachers and other school staff. "
" Behaviour is very good and underpinned by clear expectations of conduct and supportive relationships throughout the school. "
" The school’s strong focus on students’ welfare and health and safety. "