At Hartland, we have designed and implemented a curriculum that follows the High Performance Learning philosophy. High Performance Learning theory suggests that most students are capable of achieving the high levels of academic performance once seen as the domain of the very few and that the role of a school is to help students make this a reality.
High performance is therefore an attainable target for everyone and at Hartland, we believe that we can teach our students “how” to learn that will ultimately help all to succeed in school and in life beyond school. Our ambition is to produce students that are intellectually and socially confident, workplace and life-ready, with a global outlook and a concern for others.
This approach to teaching our students the “how” of learning is a long-term project commencing formally through the philosophy and research of HPL in September 2023. HPL focuses on providing a curriculum that supports the development of key thinking skills, termed ‘advanced cognitive performance characteristics’ (ACPs), and positive values, attitudes and attributes (VAAs) in all our students to enable them to reach high levels of academic performance.
Enquiry based learning is a key feature within our curriculum, in which students are encouraged to be curious, enterprising, proactive and independent and our intelligently designed curriculum creates a climate of high motivation, accelerated learning and enables our students to develop into successful global citizens.