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Hartland International School aims to recognise the unique aspects of each child that makes them all an important part of the learning community. The school aims to provide opportunities for its pupils to fulfil their full potential in all areas; academic, creative, sporting and social. Hartland celebrates the diversity within the school and equips the children with the skills and attributes required to become active citizens in the school’s international community and the wider world.

The Inclusion programme at Hartland supports the school’s aims and outlines the provision made for students who require additional support to access the school curriculum as fully as they can, so that they are able to achieve their potential. Hartland has high expectations of all students and caters for the ‘whole’ child, so we will do everything practicable to make school a positive experience for all students, including those who are exceptionally able, are English language learners and those who have additional learning needs and disabilities.


At Hartland International School, we believe that the quality of education for all children can be defined through developing a culture of inclusion and acceptance, in which all members of the school community are valued equally, treated with respect and provided with equal opportunities. There is a strong expectation that the students will be successful in their personal learning goals.

Students are often already identified upon entry to the school because of information provided by parents, previous schools and nurseries, and/or external agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists. Internal assessments are also used as part of measuring and reviewing progress and can identify anomalies in scores and the possible need for further investigation, specialist assessment and intervention to identify possible needs. The school aims to identify any learning need as soon as possible so that the most appropriate interventions to assist in the learning and teaching of the students can be put in place. Identification of additional learning needs is a whole school responsibility, in partnership with parents.


Personalised provision for students on the inclusion programme is first and foremost undertaken in the classroom common learning environment by the class teacher and learning support assistants. This provision is delivered in close collaboration with the SENDCO and the Inclusion Team. Some students who require additional support may receive targeted in-class support, focus groups or targeted 1:1 interventions from the Inclusion Team. Our provision includes English language learners, more able gifted and talented students and support from the school counsellor to meet the wellbeing needs of the students. Support may also be delivered by outside agencies including Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy. Provision is reviewed regularly as part of our review cycle.

Inclusion Documents

The Definition of High Standard

Ratings & Accreditations