Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees

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Hartland International School operates as a fee-paying international school within Dubai that is regulated by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). All information and communication relating to school fees is approved by the KHDA.

Our annual school fee includes:

School Tuition Fees 2023 - 24


Year Group Year Group Fees Fact Sheet (PDF) AY2023-24 Tuition fees***
Tuition Fees (in AED)***
Term Wise Instalment (in AED)
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
FS1 pdfDownload 42,230 16,892 12,669 12,669
FS2 pdfDownload 47,380 18,952 14,214 14,214
Year 1 pdfDownload 51,294 20,518 15,388 15,388
Year 2 pdfDownload 51,294 20,518 15,388 15,388
Year 3 pdfDownload 55,620 22,248 16,686 16,686
Year 4 pdfDownload 55,620 22,248 16,686 16,686
Year 5 pdfDownload 57,680 23,072 17,304 17,304
Year 6 pdfDownload 57,680 23,072 17,304 17,304
Year 7 pdfDownload 72,100 28,840 21,630 21,630
Year 8 pdfDownload 72,100 28,840 21,630 21,630
Year 9 pdfDownload 72,100 28,840 21,630 21,630
Year 10 pdfDownload 76,220 30,488 22,866 22,866
Year 11 pdfDownload 76,220 30,488 22,866 22,866
Year 12 pdfDownload 80,340 32,136 24,102 24,102
Year 13 pdfDownload 80,340 32,136 24,102 24,102
* Does not include activities run by third-party service providers ** GCSE and A Level examination fee will be charged separately *** Type of support is dependent on student needs **** Tuition fees are subject to KHDA approval and may be reviewed annually
  • The first term’s fees are due prior to the start of the academic year. A student may not start the academic year unless the first term’s fees are paid in full.
  • The second term’s fees should be processed before 4 December, 2023 and
  • The third term’s fees before 16 March, 2024.

If your circumstances change, it is essential that you contact us in advance of the deadline so that we can support your needs. Tuition fees must be paid to ensure that your child/children can access the teaching, resources, facilities and enrichment programme.

School Fee Discounts

Sibling Discounts

At Hartland, we recognise the importance of siblings attending the same school and are delighted to offer the following discounts:

  • 5% discount for the 2nd child
  • 10% discount for the 3rd child
  • 20% discount for the 4th child

Partner Discount: Employees of Emirates Airline and Fly Dubai

Year Group Tuition Fee AY2023-24 Discount % Discount Emirates Fee
FS1 42,230.00 2.91% 1,230.00 41,000.00
FS2 47,380.00 2.91% 1,380.00 46,000.00
Year 1 51,294.00 7.40% 3,794.00 47,500.00
Year 2 51,294.00 7.40% 3,794.00 47,500.00
Year 3 55,620.00 14.60% 8,120.00 47,500.00
Year 4 55,620.00 14.60% 8,120.00 47,500.00
Year 5 57,680.00 17.65% 10,180.00 47,500.00
Year 6 57,680.00 17.65% 10,180.00 47,500.00
Year 7 72,100.00 2.91% 2,100.00 70,000.00
Year 8 72,100.00 2.91% 2,100.00 70,000.00
Year 9 72,100.00 2.91% 2,100.00 70,000.00
Year 10 76,220.00 4.88% 3,720.00 72,500.00
Year 11 76,220.00 4.88% 3,720.00 72,500.00
Year 12 80,340.00 9.76% 7,840.00 72,500.00
Year 13 80,340.00 9.76% 7,840.00 72,500.00


  • Applicable for Academic Year 2023-24 only.
  • Discount rates for the academic year 2023-24 tuition fees will apply as long as the parent(s) are employed with either company.
  • Sibling Discount is not applicable.
  • Cannot be clubbed with any other discount or scholarship unless stated otherwise.
  • Subject to be renewed each year with mutual agreement between Hartland International School and the Emirates Group.

School Management Concession

  • A concession of up to 100% on the tuition fees may be offered to students.
  • This concession is provided at the discretion of the School Management in writing to the applicant.
  • The concession may be awarded based on need or merit or to key stakeholders.
  • Applicable for one academic year only.
  • Cannot be clubbed with any other discount or scholarship unless stated otherwise.

Parent Referral Programme

For every successful child that enrolls at Hartland, the recommending parents will be rewarded 5% discount on the annual tuition fee of one child. The discount will be applicable for one academic year and will be paid after the new child has paid full term’s fees. We offer 5% discount when we collect the fees from the parent. If the referred child joins in the middle of the academic year, the discount will be applied on the prorated fees. For more details about the Parent Referral Programme or to refer a parent please click HERE

Year 10 - Year 13 Scholarship Programme

Hartland International School’s scholarship is offered to successful students who demonstrate excellence in diverse fields of interest, exemplified through actions, passion, drive and/or leadership. The “Scholarship for Excellence” programme was launched in the academic year 2017-18 and is a grant at the school for selected candidates. A total of up to 10 scholarship places are available for Year 10 - Year 13 applicants for September 2023 entry. Each scholarship has a maximum value of 100% of the published school fees and will be reviewed annually.

Application submission deadline: 30 June 2023

Who can apply? We welcome applications from existing and new students who meet or exceed the entry requirements for the sixth form courses of choice and who can demonstrate excellence in one of the fields listed below:

  • Academic Excellence
  • Creative Excellence (Arts)
  • Physical Excellence (Sports)
  • Excellence in matters pertaining to Community, Civic Duty, Global Citizenship or Cultural Sensitivity

How to apply?

  1. Applications should be submitted in writing by the student
  2. A minimum of 300 words in a letter format which should be no more than 1,000 words, outlining why they are worthy of the ward.
  3. The application should be supported by any available evidence that demonstrates excellence in the area of application and handed into the school for the attention of the Principal and Chair of Governors.
  4. This letter should also be accompanied by a completed Year 10 - Year 13 Form Application form.

The Application Form and additional terms and conditions can be found by clicking HERE.

Application Fees

An application fee of AED 525 (inclusive of VAT) must be paid prior to your child’s assessment. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Registration & Enrolment Fee Deposit

To secure your child’s place at Hartland, a non-refundable registration fee deposit of 10% of annual tuition fees is required within seven days of the offer. This will be adjusted against the first term of enrolment tuition fees.

Payment Mode:

• Cash
• Cheque payable to “Hartland International School LLC-FZ”
• Bank Transfer
• Credit Card


A WRITTEN NOTICE received one month in advance, conveying intention of withdrawal should be submitted to the Registrar. This timeframe is required to ensure all necessary documents are ready.

Refund Policy

The Application Fee, Registration & Enrolment Fee, and Re-Enrolment Fee remain non-refundable, while tuition fee refunds follow the Ministry of Education By laws for Private Education. If a student withdraws or leaves school for any reason, the refunds will be processed as follows and returned to the original payee.

• If a student withdraws prior to the start of the academic year, the balance of the first term/semester fee paid will be refunded.
• If a student withdraws during the school term/semester, the remaining tuition is refunded in accordance per the Ministry of Education for term payments:
– Fees will be charged for one full month if a student attends school for two weeks or less.
– Fees will be charged for two full months if a student attends school for more than two weeks and less than
one month.
– Fees will be charged for the entire school term/semester if a student attends school for more than one month.

For bank transfers, please find below our bank account details:

Account Name: Hartland International School LLC-FZ
Account No: 001520075160802
IBAN No: AE320240001520075160802
Bank: Dubai Islamic Bank
Bank Address: Dubai Branch, Dubai, U.A.E